How do your BOSTU executive team negotiate on your behalf?
BOSTU Officers are frequently and regularly engaged in discussion with other [...]
Engaging with Leaders: A Reflection on the Ministerial Reception
On 22nd October 2024, I had the privilege of representing BOSTU [...]
BIOS Statement on recent unrest across UK
BIOS Statement on recent unrest across UK BIOS is appalled by [...]
What are the benefits of being part of the British Orthoptic Society Trade Union?
Trade unions are groups of employees who join together to maintain and improve conditions of employment.
The typical activities of a Trade Union includes providing assistance and services to their members, collectively bargaining for better pay and conditions for all workers, political campaigning and industrial action.
BOSTU train and organise workplace representatives who help members with the problems they may face at work. BOSTU representatives are provided with regional BOS training and they can also access CSP local training days.
Local representatives:
- negotiate agreements with employers on pay and conditions
- discuss major changes such as redundancy
- discuss members’ concerns with employers
- accompany members to disciplinary and grievance meetings
Trade unions have a special status in law which gives them special rights.
Employers have to work with recognised unions to:
- negotiate pay and working conditions
- inform and consult over changes at work such as redundancies
- make sure that the health and safety of workers is protected
Union representatives have the right to consult their members and employers. This means that, as a worker, you can have your say about workplace issues.
You only receive these benefits if you are a member of BIOS.
BOSTU is dedicated to serving the best interests of its members, protecting workers rights and improving the quality of life by negotiating with employers and government.
You never know when you might need advice with a problem at work. So it’s good to know BOSTU is here to help. If you know who your local or regional representative are contact them in the first instance. Or you can contact the BIOS office for more information.
If you’re based in the Republic of Ireland for work, unfortunately we are unable to provide you with trade union representation, but it is still vitally important you are a member of a union. Most of our Irish members are members of the public sector union, Forsa. You can find out more about their work and join via their website here.
How do your BOSTU executive team negotiate on your behalf?
BOSTU Officers are frequently and regularly engaged in discussion with other [...]
Engaging with Leaders: A Reflection on the Ministerial Reception
On 22nd October 2024, I had the privilege of representing BOSTU [...]
BIOS Statement on recent unrest across UK
BIOS Statement on recent unrest across UK BIOS is appalled by [...]
BOSTU Reps – Training & Info
Become a trade union rep with BOSTU. Our Union provides support to members with workplace and employment issues, but we also campaign on issues such as pay and working conditions, and we send Reps to the annual TUC Congress, of which we are an affiliate. Find out more here, or contact Sam Aitkenhead for more information [email protected]