Education & Professional Development Leads
Helen Davis (chair) – Head of Orthoptics University of Sheffield
Email: [email protected]
Mission statement for the group:
The overarching purpose of this committee is to promote, oversee and facilitate professional education, development and standards in Orthoptics at all stages of training and professional practice.
Current workstreams
- Common clinical competency framework with Royal College of Ophthalmologists, College of Optometrists and Ophthalmic nurses.
- Advanced clinical practice
- Apprenticeships
- Workforce transformation and planning with HEE
- SIHED project
- CAG and nCAG governance
A Universe of Opportunities
Orthoptists Jo Adeoye and Anna Horwood discuss the learning, obstacles and greatest achievements from their career journey to date.
Find out more about the wide range of career development options available to AHPs with HEE’s Universe of Opportunities Career Resource.