BOSTU have received a letter from the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) in relation to a call for evidence that has been published to explore a separate pay spine for nursing staff in England.

On our members behalf we have been in discussion with all the Trade Unions representing staff employed under Agenda for Change (AfC) terms and conditions and feel that this is not a beneficial course of action for any staff and particularly our members.

The move from Whitley to AfC terms and conditions in 2004 improved parity of pay across all staff groups, removed unfair gender biases and ensured equitable working conditions, to go back to a system which has the potential to create inequalities appears to be a retrograde step.

The current system is not without faults and we believe that the collective Trade Unions should work together to improve it whilst recognising that each profession has it’s own unique issues as well as commonalities and this can be managed without resorting to separate payspines.

BOSTU executive committee are keen to hear the opinions of our membership prior to submitting our evidence to DHSC and have therefore sent out a survey to all members [Link below – login required]. We are also very happy to hear your opinions directly or via your networks.

If you are interested in finding out more:

Sam Aitkenhead

BOSTU Secretary

[email protected]

John McBride

Northern BOSTU regional officer

[email protected] 

Deborah Podmore

President BOSTU

[email protected]

Joe Smith

Southern BOSTU regional officer

[email protected]


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