Guidance and Advice for Orthoptists and Orthoptic Professionals
Below you will find guidance on working and keeping safe, as well as links to helpful resources and templates..
We hope you find this helpful but please do let us know if you have any specific concerns or enquiries.
COVID-19 Vaccination
We are strongly encouraging all BIOS members in patient-facing roles who are offered a COVID-19 vaccine to take it if they can. Large-scale immunisation is a vital step in the effort to control the COVID-19 pandemic and save lives.
Catching COVID-19 can be serious and may lead to long term complications. These are more common in older staff or those with underlying clinical risk factors.
Protect those around you. You can have COVID-19 without any symptoms and pass it on to family, friends, colleagues and patients, many of whom may be at increased risk from coronavirus. Being healthy doesn’t reduce your risk of catching COVID-19 or passing it on.
Learn more about the vaccines and why is it so important for frontline healthcare workers.
Members can access more resources on the vaccination programme here.
Other Useful Links
For advice for healthcare professions in each country, follow the links below:
- Scotland – Health Protection Scotland
- Wales – Welsh Government
- Northern Ireland – Public Health Agency
- England – PHE and Department of Health and Social Care
- Republic of Ireland – Health Protection Surveillance Centre
There is also a huge amount of regularly updated information available from the Royal College of Ophthalmologists –
The North West AHP Network produce a regular summary of resources for the AHP workforce, available from their website:
Letters and Statements
Joint letter on supporting AHPs and Support Workers across the UK during the COVID-19 epidemic [9 December 2020] –
Statement from UK’s Chief AHP Officers and the HCPC regarding returnees to the register [19 March 2020] –
Four-Nation statement from UK’s Chief AHP Officers on allied health professionals’ roles in rehabilitation during and after COVID-19 [18 May 2020] –