
E-Health NCAG Leads


We have now entered the Technological age and whether you are the ultimate technophobe or into the next new thing it is inevitable that technology will become an integral part of everyday life within the Health care setting

We need to be influencing these developments from their inception thus enhancing how the systems will work alongside and support our profession

Informatics facilitates the transfer of health resources and health care and encompasses:

  • The delivery of health services and health information for professions and service users
  • The use of information technology based health system developments such as NHS IT strategy to meet targets for electronic patients records

The nationwide introduction of EPR would enable professions involved in patient care to access their histories and share crucial information at the touch of a button

It is aim to:

  • Promote professional conduct
  • Enhance quality in patient care
  • Disseminate new ways of working
  • Share best practice/experience through networking

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