
Glaucoma CAG Leads

Katie Meakings and Nicola Bennett

Email: [email protected]

About the CAG

The CAG has a steering committee which is comprised of experienced clinicians actively involved in glaucoma service provision.   The role of the steering committee is to represent the profession in this area and to make recommendations for service models, develop clinical competencies and guidelines both professional and national.  The steering committee is responsible for identifying, reviewing and updating information resources and providing an education resource in the area of glaucoma and related conditions.

The Glaucoma CAG is open to all BIOS members who are involved or have an interest in glaucoma.

The BIOS Glaucoma CAG aims to:

  • Promote the extended role of an Orthoptist in areas of glaucoma
  • Provide a communication network for those with an interest in these areas
  • Share best practice and make recommendations for service models and develop the role of the Orthoptist in Glaucoma
  • Provide education and training opportunities

Read our case study from orthoptist Sunita, talking about her extended role in Glaucoma.

Patient Information

Glaucoma UK  –

Glaucoma UK is a charity that provides a host of support services to help people at all stages of their glaucoma journey, but we’re also here for the professionals too – providing support and resources and helping them keep in touch with what matters most to people with glaucoma.

For any questions, about glaucoma or related conditions, the helpline is open
Monday – Friday, 9:30am – 5:00pm.Call 01233 64 81 70 or email [email protected].


RNIB is one of the UK’s leading sight loss charities and the largest community of blind and partially sighted people. They offer help and support for blind and partially sighted people – this can be anything from practical and emotional support, campaigning for change, reading services and the products  available in the online shop. They support people with a range of conditions including glaucoma

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